1. Promoting other RF server and insulting GM's and staff will result in Permanent and IP Ban

2. Any exploit/error that are being abused that could potentially harm the server will result in a Permanent ban
-  Any exploit/Loopholes will be rewarded with cash shop points

3. It is strictly prohibited to insult, slander or threaten the GM, admin or Rising Force Malice Staff will result in Account ban and IP Ban

4. Duplication will result in permanent Ban

5. Using of illegal and 3rd Party program will result in Permanent in Permanent Ban

Example : Trainer/Helper

6. Any players caught abusing terrain/map bug will result in 

- First offence : 1 Day Ban 
- Second Offence : 7 Days Ban
- Third Offence : Permanent Ban

7. Any players abusing Turret/Terrain blind spot and parking or placing MAU in any NPC will result in 

- First offence : 1 Day Ban 
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban and Character reroll to level 1

8. Safe Zone Debuffing is prohibited any players caught will result in :

- First offence : 1 Day Ban 
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban 

9. Players are not allowed to place traps and Towers on Portals and Spawn Area (e.g. OC, BM, Sette Portals) will result in a ban

- First offence : 1 Day Ban 
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban and character reroll to level 1

10. Any players insulting other players parents or any sort of racism is subjected to :
- First Warning : 1 Day Chat Ban
- Second Offence : 7 Days Chat ban 
- Third offence : 30 Days Chat ban

11. Any players impersonating GM's and Staff of RF Malice, or the use of (e.g GMname) or anyone with illegal names (e.g. lIlIlI ) will be subject to automatic :
- First Offence : 1 Day ban of main account
- Second Offence : Permanent Ban and 7 day ban of main account

12. Force Logout during PVP is Prohibited

- First offence : 1 Day Ban 
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban 

13. Intentional TEMPO/CPT feeding is prohibited any players caught will result in

- First Offence : 1 Day Ban
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban 
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban CPT and Certain Points Wipe

14. This is 2.2.3 Grind Concept all Items that are found not within the Patch which includes but not limited to Elven Weapons,Crimson Weapons and other none 2.2.3 items are subject to be investigated and removed from any players inventory/equipment/bank

Crag Mine/CW Rules

1. Nuking HSK is Prohibited and will result in 

- First offence : 1 Day Ban 
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban and CPT Wipe

2. Setting up Traps on Other race's portal is prohibited 

- First offence : 1 Day Ban 
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban 

Race Leader and Council Rules

** Race Leader Abuse of Power **
- Race Leaders must not in anyway abuse their power (chat restriction, Wanted) Without any reason. Any Race Leader abusing their power will be investigated througly 
and if caught guilty will be subject to 

- First Offence : 1 Day Ban
- Second Offence : 3 Days Ban
- Third Offence : 7 Days Ban and CPT Wiped

** Running For Race Leader/Council **

1. Any players running as Race Leader[RL]/Council must keep in mind that running for these roles you must be active on at least 12/21 CW 
2. Running for RL and Council roles you must think of your entire race and not just your own
3. Any Race Leader or Councils that runs and are inactive will be subject to : 

- 1st offence : 12 Hour Ban
- 2nd Offence : 2 days Ban With CPT Wipe
- 3rd Offence : 3 days Ban With CPT Wipe

4. Requests for Substitution of Councils if Council has been inactive for 3 concecutive days (this will be validated via the login logs)

(The GMs and staff of Rising Force Malice understands that people have jobs and duties outside of the game, But just please be mindful before running for these roles make sure that you are able to follow the rules that are stated above to avoid getting any bans for your character)

** Any reports made by players that certain RL/Council is/are inactive while running will be subject to investigation by the team before virdict is applied **


All this Rules and Events are subject to change from the Malice RF Online Management/Staff without prior notice